
The Credo Multi-Asset Portfolios Core (MAP Core) follow an evidence based approach to investing, providing investors with diversified exposure to global assets through a selection of funds and ETFs.

Multi-Asset Portfolios Brochure

The ‘Select’ option allows investors to add small incremental amounts to their portfolios.

Multi-Asset Portfolios Select

Defaqto Diamond Rating Defaqto Diamond Rating Citywire Best Small Firm

The Solutions

Funds are selected using Credo’s in-house selection process and offered as four solutions targeting various levels of equity exposure. Portfolios are available in both GBP and USD.


  • You prefer lower risk investments but are willing to accept small downside risk to your capital to achieve a higher potential return than cash deposits.
  • defaqto


  • You are willing and able to assume a moderate amount of capital risk, but with a lower allocation to growth assets and a focus on reducing potential downside.
  • defaqto
  • defaqto


  • You are willing and able to accept short term volatility as a trade-off for higher potential returns. This portfolio has a large focus on the potential growth of capital over the long term.
  • defaqto
  • defaqto
  • citywire balanced award


  • You are willing and able to take significant risk to increase the return-generating potential. This is for a growth orientated profile and may be subject to substantial short-term volatility.
  • defaqto
  • defaqto
  • citywire growth award


  • You are willing and able to take significant risk across a long-time horizon and, moreover, are willing and able to forgo the full benefits of diversification to maximise the return-generating potential. This portfolio will take 100% equity risk and may be subject to substantial short-term volatility.

Where to find us

Scottish Widows
Standard Life

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